
We are merely a vessel so donations can reach projects, workers, and most urgent needs within GTO. We trust the Lord to stir in people's hearts to contribute for our ongoing needs.


Our approach

GTO is a channeling agency, not an organization to raise funds. We want to provide information about specific needs, but want to avoid overt fundraising appeals and promotional meetings for soliciting money. Contributions may be designated for a worker, project, or just where it's most needed. Donations will be used for the specified purposes, and a receipt issued.    


mail a Check

Make ckecks payable to GTO and addressed to:

USA Office
P.O. Box 60
Terre Hill, PA 17581

Canada Office
827 Lisbon Rd East
Wellesley, ONT NOB2TO

credit card

We're working on a new way to accept donations via credit card, it will be available soon. Until then you can use the donate buttons below, send via PayPal to, or contact the office at for other options.


connect your bank

We offer automatic withdrawals from your bank account. You choose the frequency of your donation, designate where you'd like it to go, and we will send you receipts for each gift.

  1. Download EFT Authorization Form

  2. Fill in the requested information

  3. Mail or FAX the form to the USA Office

 Your information will be kept confidential and secure.


Give towards

You can show your support in many ways through Global Tribes Outreach. A variety of opportunities are listed below. Thanks for partnering with us.


COMPASSION HOME - Sponsor a Child

The Compassion Home operates through the generous donations of people who want to bless the children of Thailand. The sponsorship for one child is $75 per month. This money helps to cover the cost of schooling, room and board and general operating costs of the Compassion Home. Each child has a unique background and unique needs. Some children have parents that are able to help cover a small portion of their child's expenses while others have nothing. We have decided to make the sponsorship a rounded $75 per child rather than trying to adjust the sponsorship amount for each child. We encourage sponsors to sponsor a child through high school although that is not required. Please do consider joining in the work of the Compassion Home by sponsoring one of our children.

Adopt a Missionary

While missionaries serve overseas, they do rely on support from believers back home. When you adopt a missionary through GTO, you serve them through the following ways: 

• Prayer
• Care packages
• Notes of encouragement
• Financial support

For more information, contact us: P.O. Box 60, Terre Hill, PA 17581 | Phone: 864-972-0011 | Email:

SupPort a Missionary

The field personnel of Global Tribes Outreach are fully supported by the donations of friends, families, churches, and generous strangers. You can contribute specifically to their living expenses in the field. 

General Donations

Our organization facilitates and mobilizes believers who follow God’s call to reach the nations. We collect support for operating expenses, including the US and Asian offices, as well as personnel training.

Bibles for Asia

For as little as $2.25 per Bible, we are able to supply Asian Christians with God’s Word. Make your donation via PayPal

Karen of Thailand: Survival Evangelism

This ministry supports evangelism of Karen people of Thailand by providing food, clothing for children’s hostels, and Bible camps throughout the year. This ministry also provides general salary for evangelists. If you feel passionately for a specific project, you can direct your donation to that need -- simply note that with your gift. 

We use no more than 5% of donated funds for administration cost. Excluded from this are Bible Fund donations, Compassion Home sponsorships, and individual personnel support.

Gifts may be preferenced for specific workers or projects. The wishes of the donor shall be respected. A tax-deductible receipt will be issued if the gift qualifies as a charitable contribution as outlined in IRS publication 526. Contributions need to be preferenced rather than earmarked. This is a requirement for GTO to conform to IRS regulations. The ‘preference’ terminology must be used to legally retain the right to use the funds as we deem best.