Ultralight Testimonials


“God used Ultra to change me in so many ways. I love the way He took me to new & undiscovered depths in my relationship with Him while i was in Asia. My perspective on how God views me and others changed more dramatically in those 6 months than it ever has before. I am truly grateful for this experience, 10/10.”

- Jennifer Kauffman (Team 10)

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“During my time on Ultra, I was stretched in ways which were completely unexpected. I saw the global church with more clarity than I ever have before and it gave me a whole new perspective on what it means to be a Christian. I wanted to be a part of Ultra to go beyond my comfortable, and to be quite honest, small box and learn to know God in a deeper way. Both these goals were accomplished in mind-blowing and often unexpected ways.”

- Krista Wengerd (Team 9)

I learned that to be used by God, I don’t have to be the best, the smartest, or the bravest.
I only have to be willing.
— Sheri Stoltzfus (Team 2)

“I met so many inspiring people in different countries that were sold out for Christ and challenged me to love myself, love others, and love God with more passion than before. To interact with believers from all walks of life, different backgrounds, different stories, different languages and still have a connection because of serving the same true God was incredible. I got a taste of what Heaven will be like as people from every nation, every tribe, and every tongue gather to worship the Lord of All.”

- Donna Stoltzfus (Team 8)

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“Ultra was full of adventure, new countries and different cultures, but it was also so much more than that. It was a time of learning & growing through the Father and being stretched further out of my comfort zone than I had ever thought I could be stretched, and out of that came growth in ways that I had never imagined. Ultra was one of the best decisions I have made and I will forever be grateful for the things I learned and the friendships that were made.”

- Abby Peachy (Team 7)


“Serving on an Ultra team was a unique opportunity to explore SE Asia in ways that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Seeing a million refugees living in tarp houses scattered across the countryside, teaching English to children living in slums, and assisting with wound care of leper patients were a few of the given opportunities. Worshipping with other believers in their culture and seeing God’s Spirit move among His people in various ways was an experience that impacted my life. I was reminded once again that at the core of humanity is the desire to be loved regardless of our nationality, culture, or religion, and gained a fresh perspective of the Father’s heart for unreached people groups.” - Rose Yoder (Team 6)

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“Ultra broke me. It broke down my walls, my ego, and completely shattered my worldview, leaving space for Jesus to come in and change my heart, give me freedom and a community I desperately desired. Being on Ultra led me to view people the way God sees them, giving me an eternal perspective and a trust in God I had never known before. Ultra was simultaneously the most stretching and rewarding thing I’ve ever done.”

- Mindy Snyder (Team 10)

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“Ultra taught me about love.

I came to Ultra with bad intentions, but God redeemed those reasons with hard lessons. I learned what real love and trust looks like. I got to do life with four other incredible people. I got to see God’s love for the nations while He changed my heart. I saw pain, unbelievable darkness, and fear. But I also saw beautiful people bringing light into the darkness. I got to see the work that is active and alive in Asia.”

- Corwyn Kirkendall (Team 12)

I didn’t expect to be so different and have a part of my heart torn when I left Asia. The people met and stories told are seared into my heart. I will never forget the ways I experienced God; and the team that loved, believed in me, and gave me a safe place.
— Gina Hershberger (Team 1)

“God is more real to me. And somehow that makes what He says about me matter more, and what people think of me matter less.”

- Ashley Beachy (Team9)


“What did Ultra do for me? Ultra gave me hope, a community, a safe place, a place where I felt I could be accepted for who I was, and in that I got to encounter the love of God in a way I never had before. Honestly, it was a journey towards freedom from a very dark place of the lies I used to believe and live out of. God showed me that I could never do anything to make Him love me more. I am already completely loved by Him and He sees me as perfect through the blood of Jesus, and for that I'm so incredibly grateful.”

- Shanae Rempel (Team 6)


“Before Ultra, I had a bunch of questions pertaining to life, God, and my purpose in it all. No, being on Ultra didn't answer all the questions, but it did give me a safe place to voice them. Ultra also put me in situations to practically live out what I was learning. Whether it was just getting me out of my comfort zone and doing things I wouldn't normally do, or by putting me in situations where my strengths were needed and necessary. On Ultra I would often find myself coming to the end of me and was left with relying on God for the rest. Surprisingly enough, that is when I experienced the most joy and freedom. If you are looking for something to draw you out of your turtle shell and to experience life and God in ways previously unknown, I would recommend Ultra to you. For that is what it did for me.” (name withheld for security reasons)


“My time on Ultra was life changing. While I was on Ultra I learned about the Fathers love for me and the way he sees me. Through Ultra I was taught how to process stuff for myself, and instead of pushing stuff down, working through it. One of the things I appreciate about Ultra is that the six months you are on it doesn’t just affect you those six months. It changes the way you see things, it changes the way you see yourself, it changes the way you see the Father in even after you are off Ultra. It equips you with tools you will use for a lifetime.

- Julie Martin (Team 7)


“Ultra changed me - the way I saw people, other cultures, and even myself. I also learned to work with my teammate and developed my leadership skills. It all brought me closer to God: seeing the world and others worshipping him in the darkest corners inspired me and gave me a new burden for the UPG’s. It gave me a new perspective of who God is and his sovereignty.”

- Karissa Kuepfer (Team 10)


What Parents Are Saying….

Ultra brings out the best in the girls, and gives opportunities for them to work through the worst as well. I believe at least some of the impact of the experiences she encountered will have lifelong positive effects in her life. Awareness, compassion, and dependency on God are things that she learned or that were greatly expanded on her trip.”

“Trekking across borders, countries, and cultures brought a greater awareness of God’s care and deep love for the many people our daughter met. Ultra gave her a broader worldview but also deeply impacted her own personal journey with God, which keeps on impacting her world no matter where her journey takes her. Working as a team was also a valuable experience for her. They all came with different perspectives, views, and giftings; and walked away changed in the art of relationships.”

The experiences that our daughter had on Ultra could not be replaced or duplicated. God has/had plans for her personally and we are very blessed how she responded and how they have impacted her and will remain with her for life.

“I’m very grateful for the time that [my daughter] spent on Ultra; it’s really impacted her life tremendously. Her experiences on Ultra opened her eyes to seeing the Father at work in people in every day life. I especially noticed that she learned to love and care for people where they were at, and to listen well. She found a lot of healing for the heart wounds she carried.”