Unreached People Groups

The vision of Global Tribes Outreach is to see Unreached People Groups (UPGs) around the world targeted and impacted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This vision is realized by mobilizing and facilitating teams and individuals committed to reach these peoples for the Kingdom of Christ.

What are UPGs?

We define UPGs as ethnic people groups without a witnessing church that are different in language, race, social and economic status from other people groups. Our world has approximately 195 geo-political nations; but this is not what Jesus was referring to in the Great Commission. Rather, He was referring to ethnic groups; the Greek root of the Biblical term nation is ethnos, from which we derive our English word ethnic. The world has roughly 16,000 different ethnic groups; about 7,100 of these are considered unreached (less than 5% Christian). In China alone, there are more than 420 unreached people groups! The world population is currently more than 7 billion. Of the two-thirds who are non-Christian, 2.8 billion are unreached people, having no indigenous Christian witness among them.

Why UPGs?

It's amazing that this should even be a question. The Gospel has been around for the last 2000 years and yet there are over 2 billion people in our world who have yet to hear the name of Jesus once. Somehow the church has failed to be strategic. We must consider Jesus' words in Matthew 24:14 seriously. Jesus was clearly strategic when He said that the Gospel would be preached to every nation (ta ethne/ethnic group) before the end would come. In Revelation 5:9 and 7:9 we see a clear picture of the end: every nation, tribe, and language is represented around the great white throne.

How Will We Reach UPGs?

GTO is targeting UPGs with the Gospel by mobilizing teams throughout Asia. Each leader is a missionary committed to prayerfully design and implement a strategy to take the Gospel to the target people group. The ultimate goal is to see the birth of an indigenous church planting movement among the UPG.

Who can be an SC?

  • We need people who can go short-term to pray, teach English, and do friendship evangelism.
  • We need people who are willing to come for two years to join a team committed to reaching a people group.
  • We need people who are willing to commit their life to the task of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


You can learn more about UPG's at Asia Harvest or Joshua project